Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Off Week

Another week of only one student, just Tanicia and I this week. We did much the same as last week, read through the scripture passage, discussed what was going on in the passage, and talked about thing we want, do and like and why.

It struck me today, that in a society where the goal appears to be keeping up with everyone else, we often take for granted the thing we already have, and that it is only when these things are truly needed that we understand their role and importance in our lives.

I am sure you are wondering by now where I am going with this, so bear with me. The long list of things I did this week included several thing which I have and often take for granted, but when they were not there or working properly, I truly understood how much they mean. First on the list of things I did not have this week was my plow truck. Due to a broken front spring I was unable to plow snow on Monday when we got a good 6" of snow, and I had to drive my other truck Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, three days of two-wheel drive on slick and snowy roads. Not only was I not able to clean my driveway, but those I plow for other people also had to wait until Wednesday night to be done.

Now that was more than enough of having to deal with not having the things I take for granted, I thought. I was asked by Benjamin to provide a reference for an internship he is hoping to get, no problem there, simply fill out the forms, write a nice letter and fax it to the organization. The only problem was the fax machine I usually use at work decided to quit working, so I had to scramble around and get a friend of mine at the LSSU Housing Office to let me use their fax machine to send out the reference. I don't think I will be taking the fax machine, which we have since fixed, for granted any time soon.

Today was the best example by far though of taking things for granted. Almost everyone knows I have had issues this year with the water line to my toilet freezing (a record three time so far this winter). That problem, with the use of a heat tape, pipe insulation, and styrofoam insulation along the walls of my crawl space by the bathroom, seems to be solved. The coldest weather so far this year is upon us and the toilet is working fine. So what you ask. Today when I went to take a shower, I found the hot water lines in my house were frozen, requiring me to get re-dressed and crawl under the house to thaw.

While it would be nice if I had a newer plow truck, or a better fax machine at work, or a more insulated crawl space, until I didn't have these thing I take for granted daily, I didn't understand exactly how blessed I was with what I did have. As I finally showered, I thought about how God gives us these great gifts and how, all to often, we take them for granted and fail to use them, then when we need them they are gone, forgotten and lost.

Maybe it isn't so much that we want what others in society have, maybe we are just trying to figure out what we already have and aren't using.

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